304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

VR Events

VR Event It!

Interactive VR experiences are a great way to entertain guests, drive traffic to a trade show booth, or launch an exciting new product.
360 scanify VR studio has extensive experience with multiple VR platforms.
Regardless of the event’s size or the number of attendees, we can help you with the right production solution for a comfortable and worry-free screening experience.
As an experienced VR production company, we can also ensure that all content takes full advantage of each event, reproducing it in the highest resolution possible.

VR Commercial

VR Real Estate

VR Corporate

VR Hotels

VR Yachts

VR Aerial

VR Auto - Moto

VR Culture

VR Public Buildings

VR Construction

VR Events

VR Stadiums